It's the GRAND FINALE for
His Hometown Girl
We hope you enjoyed getting to know Jodi and Daniel a little more on the tour.
If you missed any of the stops, go back and check them out now!
Then be sure to enter the amazing giveaway, if you haven't already.
If you missed any of the stops, go back and check them out now!
Then be sure to enter the amazing giveaway, if you haven't already.
3/3 - Tour Launch & Excerpt
“Because we used to be friends, Jodi Lynn.”“Friends?” She snorted and shook off the water collecting on the stroller’s canopy.
“And don’t call me Jodi Lynn.”
“Would you prefer ‘ma’am’? Is that what country folks are supposed to say when a city
girl comes to town?”
Katie's Clean Book Collection - Review
"I loved this story! I loved the strawberries, the farm life, the small town family feel, and of course, the clean romance. I loved the ending! It was perfect."
Just Jeannies Books & Bling - Author Interview
"This story goes out as a tribute to all of the parents, and extended family members helping to raise a special needs child. Like your children, you are extraordinary and more than worthy of having lasting love."
First Page to the Last - Review
"There were some very sweet moments between Jodi, Daniel, and Tyler. Moments that made you want this whole thing to work out for them. I could almost taste the berries when they picked them. Very nicely done, Ms. Rock!"
All That's Written - Character Interview
You used to have such a strong connection with Cedar Bay and an old childhood rival and later secret boyfriend, Daniel Gleason. Do you think you could ever care for either of them again?
When I left Cedar Bay, I tried putting it, and Daniel, out of my mind forever. In their own way, both had crushed me. However, when my boss offered me a promotion if I returned there to purchase farm land, I had no choice but to accept. I needed that extra money to pay for the special needs day care that would help Tyler speak again. Yet my loyalties were divided when I arrived and remembered how much I used to love living in Cedar Bay. I felt torn that it would become a massive industrial farm if I succeeded in purchasing all of the land for my employer. Of course Daniel Gleason wasn’t going to make that easy. In fact, he planned to stop me every way he could, even using his old charm. Only, I wasn’t falling for that again. Or at least I tried not to…
Cinnamon Cindy's Book Blog - Review
"This book kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the entire story. I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys a clean romance about old love rekindling."
I Am A Reader, Not A Writer - Character Interview
You had strong connection with Jodi growing up. Do you think you’ll ever be close again?
Jodi Lynn used to drive me nuts as a boy- still does. She’s smart, pretty and always sure she knows best. I couldn’t help, growing up, wanting to best her every chance I got. Seeing that line appear between her blue eyes always made me smile. At least she knew who I was, even if she seemed like she hated me. Except one summer, the year we worked together after her father’s accident, she kissed me while we were berry picking. That changed everything...
You can see Kathy's review here.
Kelly P's Blog - Karen Rock: Caught between a Holstein and a Gander!
"...I had my own set of adventures on the farm and though some didn’t end well, as the one I’m about to relate, they’ve all stayed with me and inspired me while writing His Hometown Girl. This particular adventure began while I was spending a summer weekend at my grandparents’ farm house..."
Harlie's Books - Review
"If you are looking for a sweet, heartwarming romance this line from Harlequin will be just perfect for you. It’s not quite Harlequin Romance and it doesn’t have the religious overtones of Love Inspired (which I love). It’s in the middle dealing with every day folks, their community and home."
Fiona's Book Reviews - Review
"The story is written well. It is a lovely slow burning story with plenty to keep you interested. It isn't a simple romance story. Much of it is about her job and her need to provide for her son. A story which I enjoyed, and I look forward to seeing what the author comes up with next."
Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf - Author Interview
4.What do you hope that readers take away with them after reading your book?
At its heart, this story is about acceptance. Jodi needs to learn to accept her past and forgive herself for old mistakes. She also needs to accept that no parent is perfect, nor is any child. We need to learn to love and accept ourselves to find true love. I hope the reader comes away knowing that you don’t have to be perfect to find the person who is perfect for you.
Mel's Shelves - Review
"This is a fun read! Jodi and Daniel go head to head to get the farmers to commit to each of their plans and some of their tactics were quite entertaining. I enjoyed their banter and watching their relationship progress. Jodi is protective of her heart and her son and isn't about to let just anyone in...
This is, indeed, a heartwarming story and a good book to curl up with when you're in the mood for a clean romance!"
Read a Book - Review
"Both Jodi and Daniel make mistakes, they can become rather stubborn and closed in their thinking, refusing to consider other possibilities than those that they think are right, but it is through these mistakes that will realize the reality and what really matters.
His Hometown Girl if it was an emotional read for me, holding a couple of scarves haha, but if you venture too fast in history, also the pace is quite fluid and I welcome both the plot and the characters (?), A book very touching, if they read it out!"
Reviews By Molly - Spotlight
My Devotional Thoughts - Review
"This author is one I would read again in a heartbeat, and this is one of those books you can read quickly and feel so good afterwards! I highly recommend it."
Laurie's Thoughts and Reviews - Guest Post: The Proof is in the Salsa
Suddenly, I felt the pressure and responsibility of having brought a tasty dish. It wasn’t until someone scooped out the last spoonful that I breathed easy and shared a jubilant hug with Gram. I’d done it!
Tressa's Wishful Endings - Review
"It also pulled me in with the humor, romance, and heartfelt story. I literally read it in one sitting. There are some great scenes and moments between these characters. I also really loved the small-town feel."3/10
That's the Way it Goes - Excerpt
The music began and Mary gave Daniel a little shove. “Have at her. Indulge us for old times’ sake. Everyone thought you two would make a great couple when you weren’t scrapping.”
He looked down at a dismayed Jodi. “Guess we can’t disappoint our fans.”
Getting Your Read On - Review
"I really enjoyed this book and I will admit that when Daniel and Jodi call a semi-truce of sorts and start being nicer to each other I breathed a sigh of relief. This was a fluffy read, and a great distraction with a happily ever after that I loved."Copywrite1985 - Review & Author Interview
"I loved His Hometown Girl! Jodi and Daniel are both compelling characters with complex motivations. I understood both of their positions and reasons, which made it all the more difficult as a reader to choose a side."
Q: For those who aren’t familiar with Heartwarming, how would you characterize the line?
Heartwarming novels are deeply romantic, tender love stories that are considered ‘clean’ or ‘wholesome’ without a faith-based element. They are the kinds of romances you’d be excited to share with your daughter as they’re great examples of what real-life relationships should be.
Bottles & Books Reviews - Spotlight
Colorimetry - Flashback to Strawberry Picking
“It’s a free country,” she muttered, of two minds. Like always, she wanted him near. Though they’d been childhood rivals for years, he’d been the only boy who made her stomach turn itself into knots, her heart beat faster. Too often, she’d caught herself doodling his name in the margins of notebooks when she forgot herself. Yet his family had loaned her father the machine that’d caused the accident. It was hard not to see him as ‘the enemy’ more than ever.
The Wonderings of One Person - Author Interview
How has this story touched your life?It meant a lot when I read the ‘Dear Reader’ letter to my sister and saw her smile and cry happy tears to see what I’d written about her. Like all parents of special needs children (and I’m one myself as my daughter has an anxiety disorder), she needs to know what an incredible job she is doing and never to feel less than other parents.
Letters from Annie Douglass Lima - Excerpt
Her sigh felt as though it came from the deepest part of her. “Oh, Daniel.”
He cupped her cheeks. “We can make this work.”
Her brows came together. “Impossible. We both have too much to lose.”
Lola's Reviews - Review
"I really enjoyed the ending and there are some really sweet and touching scenes in this book."
I Would Rather Be Reading... - Review
"Karen Rock charms us with her second novel. Jodi and Daniel…and Tyler’s story makes you laugh out loud, sigh with longing and ball your fists in frustration and cry at the happily ever after. Readers will be completely blown away by this heartwarming tale and grabbing for the nearest box of tissues."The Written Adventure - Author Interview
I have three more books contracted with Harlequin Heartwarming and each is very unique. I can’t wait to share them! I just finished one about two very different people- one’s a dreamer, the other a pragmatist- who team up to create a start-up company designing a dating compatibility app. It’s been a lot of fun trying to answer the question: Can love come with a guarantee?
Angels With Attitude Book Reviews - Author Interview
A couple of things inspired HIS HOMETOWN GIRL. The first is my sister, Cathy. She’s my autistic niece, Abbie’s, mother and an incredible parent. Raising a child with special needs can be challenging and requires a lot of love and patience...
The second inspiration is my childhood days spent on my Uncle Bob’s dairy farm.
Brooke Blogs - Review
I loved that the story was much more than a romance, though. It was a genuine, full story of life, of love, and of all the things that people go through.Jessie's Book Place - Excerpt
Total Book Geek - Review

by Karen Rock
Mass Market Paperback, Large Print, 331 pages
March 1st 2014 by Harlequin

He'd always managed to best her…
Jodi Chapman will do whatever it takes to get top care for her autistic son. If that means going home and convincing local farmers to sell their land, so be it. Even if her biggest opponent, childhood rival Daniel Gleason, is equally determined to convince farmers to buy into his co-op plan. And he's not playing fair.
Facing off against Daniel is the last thing Jodi wants. The attraction that's always fueled their competitiveness is as strong as ever and just as distracting. But with both their futures on the line, and years of distrust between them, how can they ever be on the same side?
For more information
about Karen's upcoming books, check out her website,
Facebook page, or follow her on twitter. She’d love to hear from you!
Tour-Wide Giveaway
1 - Paperback/ebook copies of Wish Me Tomorrow and Camp Boyfriend (format is winner's choice, paperback for US Only) and $20 Amazon gift card
2 - ebooks of Wish Me Tomorrow and Camp Boyfriend (INT)
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